Fix Your Flow + Fix Your Ferritin Bundle
Round out the 3 "Fix It" courses with the remaining two: Fix Your Flow and Fix Your Ferritin for $66 - that's a 55% savings!
Fix Your Flow
How & why your nutrition could be the missing piece of the puzzle every month
This mini-course is for you if you feel like your period leaves you feeling worn out, beaten down, and unable to function or perform in the way you want...and anyone who is ready to take the driver’s seat in becoming the expert on her monthly hormone cycle.
Fix Your Ferritin
A Must Watch If Want To Learn Why Your Ferritin Might Be Low & Understand What Other Nutrients To Focus On When Iron Supplements Aren't Helping
Watch this if you're always tired or have been told you're anemic, need more iron, or have low ferritin
Low ferritin doesn't always mean low iron, but it does mean iron isn't moving where and how it needs to be, and it needs help.